Friday, May 25, 2012

Padre Pio on Life, Virtues, and Himself

Today, May 25, 2012, is Padre Pio's 125th birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAY PADRE PIO! 

To the very end of his life, he never felt that his salvation was entirely secure. He once asked his friend Pietro Cugino: "Tell me seriously. Do you think I will be saved?" 

Below are Padre Pio's words about life, virtues, and himself.


"Wait, your turn will come."
"Love doesn't tolerate delay."
"Life is a continual struggle against oneself."
"Life is a struggle, which we cannot avoid. We must triumph."
"Ahead!  Courage! In the spiritual life he who does not advance goes backward."
"Keep going forward. If you stop, the wind will blow you back."
"Planting is less important than sowing, to have a good harvest."
"Every year should be more fruitful than the previous one."
"The years pass by, and eternity becomes closer."
"In the spiritual life, the faster we run, the less tired we feel."
"The road to perfection is as long as a lifetime."
"It is necessary to be strong, in order to become great: that is our duty."
"Drowning on high seas or chocking on a glass of water have death as the same outcome."
"Guard jealously the purity of your heart and your body."
"Make hay while the sun shines."
"Do not put off until tomorrow what you can do today."
"Detach yourself from the world."
"Repair the past and prepare for the future making good decisions."
"Don't philosophize on your defects."
"Fear is an evil worse than evil itself."
"Let us be honest always."
"Being attached to the things of the world brings sadness."
"Even when reprimanding one must be courteous and gentle."
"Gentleness doesn't mean permissiveness."
"Vainglory is the woodworm of holiness."
"Do not be restless, upset, and anxious in times of darkness."
"It is easy and difficult to become a saint."
"Let your whole exterior be a vivid image of the composure of your soul."
"One day we will have to give strict account on how we spend our time."
"Let us be moved by the presence of God, who is also our judge."
"It is easier to cure a tumor than to change the heart of a person".

Giving a religious medal: "This is the weapon which will preserve you from your enemies".

"Blasphemy calls down malediction on your home; and, it destroys even the ashes in the fireplace."
"The more ridiculous the order, the more willingly I obey it."
"Ask for nothing and refuse nothing. One must always obey."
"Duty before anything else. Even before what is holy."
"Sadness is of no use to anyone."
"The mom teaches the child walking by supporting him. But later he has to walk by himself."
"Unable to take big steps be content with little steps, until you have the legs to run; or wings to fly." 


"You have respect for me because you don't know me. I am the greatest sinner on this heart." 
"Abjection is called humility, and humility abjection." 
God speaks to those who truly have a humble heart." 
"Never be pleased with yourself." 
"The tall ears of grain are vain and empty, the ones bent to the ground are humble and laden with grain." 
'When you fall, humble yourself but without degrading yourself." 
"Abjection means to be humble and powerless." 
"Be humble, tranquil, sweet, and confident in times of darkness." 
"Humility is truth. Everything good in me is of God." 
"False humility brings discouragement." 
"When Jesus sees you prostrated in humility, he will extend his hand and draw you to him." 
"Humility is the recognition of one's abjection." 
"To meet God, we must ascend and he must descend." 
"Happiness can be found only in Heaven." 
"Everything comes from God. I possess only infinite misery." 
"Self esteem is more malicious that pride." 
"Mary, the more she was filled with heavenly gifts, the more she humbled." 
"If I was reborn, I would become a Capuchin again, but not a priest." 
"I am unworthy to represent Jesus on earth, to be Christ on the altar." 


"Charity is the queen of virtues."
"As the pearls are held together by the thread, thus the virtues by charity"
"The pearls fall when the thread breaks, thus the virtues are lost if charity diminishes."
"The pivot of perfection is charity; He who lives in charity lives in God, because God is charity, as the Apostle says."
"Excuse everyone with Christian charity."
"Seek solitude but do not lack charity with your neighbor."

Humility and Charity 

"Humility and charity go hand in hand. The one glorifies, the other sanctifies." 
"There are two fundamental virtues of holiness: humility and charity." 
"We must always have kindness with the neighbor and humility with God." 
"Charity knows how to mix sweet with bitter, and convert transitory suffering in eternal reward." 
"Charity is the yardstick by which the Lord will judge us.""Charity is the cornerstone of perfection." 
"Charity is the daughter of Providence."


"Tranquility is the daughter of the love for God."
"God is our peace, our consolation, and our glory." 


"If you win a temptation, it has the same effect as in washing dirty laundry." 
"The more a soul is liked by God, the more will be proved." 
"Temptations belong to devil and hell, sufferings belong to God and Paradise." 
"The temptations come from the devil, the sufferings come from God." 
"Despise the temptation and embrace the tribulation." 
"Do not dwell on your temptations." 
"The thought doesn't make the sin, but consenting to the thoughts does it." 
"Only the free will is capable of good or evil." 
"Temptations against faith and purity are the merchandise offered by the enemy." 
"Don't voluntarily dwell on what the devil presents to you." 
"When tempted, say to God: "Have mercy on your poor weakling." 
"When the assault of the enemy increases, you are closer to God." 
"When the enemy roars around you, it shows that he is not in you." 
"The more a soul is pleasing to God, the more it must be tried." 
"Temptation is like the soap. It seems to soil but in reality cleans." 
"There is joy in the spiritual battles. Learn how to fight and you will be certain of victory." 
"If God lets you fall is to make you humble and more careful in the future." 
"The devil enters a soul only through one door: the will." 
"We must prepare for temptation if we want to approach God."


"Pray, hope, don't get agitated. Agitation doesn't help at all. God is merciful and will listen to your prayer."
"The more you get agitated, the sooner the Providence will withdraw it's arms from you."
"Anxiety makes us run only to make us trip."
"Agitation never comes from God."


"To doubt is the greatest insult to the Divinity."


"Suffering is expiation."
"Suffering is necessary for our souls."
"In suffering we give something to God, witch we cannot do in Paradise."
"He who begins to love must be ready to suffer."
"Suffering is a most powerful lever to raise man up again."
"Glory will be ours on condition that we endure suffering."
"The Angels are jealous of us because they can't suffer."
"Bearing physical and spiritual ailments is the worthiest gift we can offer to Jesus."
"Suffering is a sure sign that God loves us."
"Accepting the sufferings we will perfect and sanctify us."

Padre Pio's own words about himself.

"I'm a misery to myself."
"My true mission will begin after my death."
"When I am in heaven I will be able to do more".
"I pray constantly"
"I'm only a poor friar who prays"
"I belong entirely to everyone."
"Everyone can say: Padre Pio is mine."
"I offer myself as a victim for everyone."
"The Mass is the complete union between Jesus and me."
"I will never tire of praying to Jesus."
"I want to Save souls by continuous prayer."
"I am all aflame although there is no fire."
"A thousands flames consume me."
"I feel I am constantly dying, yet I'm still alive."
"The thought of revenge has never crossed my mind."
"The devil is trying to snatch me from the arms of Jesus".
"The devil wants me for himself at all costs".
"My sufferings are pleasing."
"I suffer only when I don't suffer."
"I want to suffer, but in secret."
"I desire nothing else than to love and suffer"
"Jesus, let me suffer, and let me die from suffering."
"I suffer because I cannot win all my brothers to God."
"I suffer everything that Jesus suffered in the Passion."
"I suffer as much as anyone who has the whole of humanity on his back."
"My suffering gives glory to God, saves my brothers in exile, frees the souls from Purgatory."
"Like St. Christopher carried the child Jesus on his shoulders across a river, on my shoulders is the whole world."
"My past, O Lord, to your mercy; my present, to your love; my future, to your providence!"

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